Sunday, July 22, 2007

OIL THEFT motive for IRAQ WAR resources

Best quick explanation
of Iraq Oil Theft Law

In depth study compares
Iraq Oil Theft Law
with neighbors deals

News on Iraq Oil Theft
from Iraqi point of view

Best investigative
reporting on big oil
& US gov't plans for
Iraq oil


sign Nobel Prize winners
petition opposing Iraq
Oil Theft Law

Easy contact Congress
on Oil Theft Law

Easy contact Congress
on Oil Theft Law &
broader oil issues

Current stories on oil on Professor Smartass

Detailed report on restructuring of Iraq's oil industry to benefit our oil companies

Greg Palast's timeline of Iraq oil meetings (with video interviews with the players)

Oil & Gas Journal, 2002: We need Iraq War to keep Saddam from pumping too much and lowering prices

***DSM: Bush assures Putin Iraq War won't lower oil prices***

Colin Powell's chief of staff on oil motive for Iraq War

Broader background on oil, war, and foreign policy

Naomi Klein on privatization and its effects in Iraq:

Economic war crimes in Geneva and Hague Conventions:

The Hague Convention of 1907 (IV) see articles 47, 53, 55

The Geneva Convention of 1949 (IV) we've broken almost every section of article 147, and Bush has personally broken article 148.

The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time

A good brief summary of neoliberalism:

How "economic hit men" set it up and enforce it:

public relations

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