Reid said several true and good things--none of which answered the question. If Democrats allow big oil to screw the Iraqis, that will pretty much prove that no one in Washington believes in their War on Terror except as a boogey man to scare us into accepting what they are going to do anyway--serve the oil industry and any other corporate interests that through them scraps of donations, or jobs on boards or as lobbyists.
Democrats will likely curb the worst abuses of the Bush administration at home, but if they don't fundamentally change our foreign policy, including decoupling it from oil and driving a stake through neoliberalism, both of which lead to war, war debt, death, poverty in other countries, and a race to the bottom in wages that the average American does not want to win.
Democrats did some good things in the first hundred days, but those will be meaningless if they don't strike at the root of why we came so close to losing our democracy, and salt the earth to keep that fascist weed from growing up and strangling us again.
Sen. Ted Kennedy
Sen. Reid Dodges Iraq Oil Privatization Question
This exchange took place at a news conference with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Harry Reid on Jan. 19 at the National Press Club.
Husseini: Hi. Sam Husseini from IPA Media. I have a question for each of our guests, if I could. First to Senator Reid: an article appeared in The Guardian -- "Iraqis will never appear -- will never accept this sellout to the oil corporations," in The Guardian last week by Kamil Mahdi, who's an Iraqi academic in the U.K. It paints a picture of the administration in the midst of all of the carnage pushing through a new oil law "The U.S. and the IMF and their allies are using fear to pursue their agenda of privatizing and selling off Iraqis resources" with pending Iraq oil law. Are you looking into this? You've spoken about the oil companies and so on, are you looking into this oil law that the administration is apparently trying to ram through.
Reid: Is that a morning or afternoon newspaper? No, I'm sorry I haven't read that article. Um, but that's what Speaker Pelosi and I are talking about we have to lessen our dependence on foreign oil whether it comes from private sources, or in some instances where the oil is owned by the government... We have to do that and that's why it doesn't matter what they do in Iraq as far as our consumption of oil. We, we, we are oil hogs here in America and we've got to lessen our dependence on foreign oil and that can only be done by recognizing that we can't produce our way out of our problems and we have to move towards alternative energy sources.
OIL MOTIVE for Iraq War resources
harry reid sam husseini ted kennedy joe biden lee hamilton democratic majority iraq war privatization jim mcdermott oil psa production sharing agreement president george w bush oil companies shell bpExxonMobil ChevronTexaco ConocoPhillips republican antonia juhasz greg palast GOP conservative corruption occupation colonialism hydrocarbon law grover norquist jay garner professor smartass iraq peak oil propaganda corporation democracy war on terror public relations worst president ever failure war criminal smartass comments resistance censored news