What's amazing about this is it doesn't mention one single issue that will put food on the table for average Americans, but takes time to hit gays, the pledge of allegiance, blacks(using a mugshot of Jesse Jackson), terrorism, and illegal immigrants. After a Twilight Zone presentation of all the evils the GOP sees in the world, it ends with a call to return to the Leave It to Beaver world.
The guy who put this up had to pull it because he got too much flak, but the effort shows a media and pop culture savvy that Democrats could weild even more effectively if they did it with substantive issues instead of having some old fart in a tie talking to an audience or just a camera.
Well worth a watch.
WINDOWS MEDIA: http://movies.crooksandliars.com/twilight.wmv
QUICKTIME: http://movies.crooksandliars.com/twilight.mov
vernon robinson iraq war twilight zone parody jesse jackson campaign commercial osama bin laden republican GOP conservative corruption political humor colonialism white mans burden professor smartass propagandafascism political opinion war on terror muslim public opinion opinion public relations al qaeda terrorist video skit wmv movie humor comedy funny nazi smartass comments resistance censored news rebel
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